Hollins staff and faculty are invited to the March meeting of the DEIB/WRL book club! Our goal is to explore dialogue across differences, and related issues: please join us for a friendly conversation, with dessert…

  • Book: Olga Dies Dreaming, by Xochitl Gonzalez.
  • Details: Thursday Mar. 27, noon – 1:00 p.m. in the Hollins Room on the library’s ground floor.
  • RSVP to Dina Hackley-Hunt: hackleyhuntdm@hollins.edu

Coffee, tea, and dessert are on us; you are welcome to bring your brown bag lunch, and any interested colleagues.

Options for reading: Our library has a physical copy; the audiobook is available via Libby. Or you may wish to use our excellent local independent bookstore to obtain your own copy.

We hope you can join us !

Best wishes,

Dina Hackley-Hunt and Maryke Barber