UX Internship

What is User Experience (UX)?

UX is a multidisciplinary field combining research, design, and ethnography (interviews, surveys, observation) to create a better experiences for people when they use websites, interfaces, spaces, or other services.

heat map

This is a heatmap from that shows where library users click on the homepage. This tool helps us DISCOVER active parts of the website.

What is UX in the Library?

UX projects in the library eliminate pain points or barriers to students discovering and using library services. A UX internship builds transferable skills (interviewing, design, and analysis) by focusing on a Library service or concept during J-Term. UX interns sharpen their analytical and people skills while working towards the objective of improving the library experience for all students.

This internship was created by James Miller, the Discovery Librarian. He will be your supervisor and you can read about his interests here.

How is it structured? What can I expect from this internship?

- via analytics and other data

Interns will discover library users’ patterns and preferences for usage. These methods show us the “WHAT” for our users. What are they doing? What are they clicking on? What are they looking and asking for?…but we need the human skills to get at the “WHY.”

– through human skills

Interns will learn and use methods to explore the “WHY” and learn the strengths and weaknesses of each method.

– based on findings

Interns will create:

  • Prototypes or design ideas to address pain points
  • Summaries of findings
  • Recommendations

Interns will also discover new issues or pain points that can be explored in later internships.

Dami Agoro – J-Term/Summer 2024

FOCUS:  databases, course reserves, digital collections, website structure

Creative and Minimal Portfolio Presentation by Mariam Agoro

Sofia Craig – J-Term 2023

FOCUS: LibGuide awareness, navigation and naming preferences 

Hannah Slusser – J-Term 2022

FOCUS: Awareness of Young Adult New Adult (YANA) collection and how students can suggest purchases for the collection 

Claire Ross – J-Term 2020

FOCUS: Ask a Librarian service