Welcome to Wyndham Robertson Library!

To help us maintain an effective and enjoyable working environment for the Hollins community, use of the library and its resources is contingent upon your agreement with the following principles:

  • Respect others, do not engage in disruptive behavior. Disruptive behavior is behavior that interferes with or disrupts anyone’s ability to learn or work in the library.
  • Be responsible, if you bring children under the age of 12 into the library, do not leave them unsupervised.
  • Respect library materials, treat them with care so that others may enjoy them.
  • We welcome all service animals; please do not bring non-service animals into the library.
  • Flyers and posters should be submitted to library staff, for posting in the Coffee Commons and by the ground floor elevator entrance. Any marketing materials found elsewhere in the building will be recycled.

How many items may I check out, and what are the loan periods?

Wyndham Robertson Library does not charge overdue fines. When a non-reserve item has been overdue for 29 days it is assumed lost and a fee is added to a user’s library account. See Lost Item Fees and Account Blocks for more information.


  • Reserves may be checked out for 3 hours, 24 hours, or 3 days. Loan periods are determined by the faculty member for each course.
  • Some items are in-library use only.
  • Reserves can be renewed in person, at the front desk.
  • Some 3-hour Reserves may be checked out overnight shortly before closing.

There are no overdue fines for reserve items. However, because they are considered high-demand items (thus, the shorter checkout period) they age to lost more quickly. When a reserve item has been overdue for the same amount of time it was available for checkout, it is assumed lost and a fee is added to your library account. All lost item fees are removed when the item is returned.



Not receiving emails does not remove your responsibility to keep track of the items you have borrowed and their due dates. Your library record may be accessed at any time at My Account.

If you are not receiving our courtesy email notices, please check your spam folder and adjust your email settings accordingly.If you do not find our emails in your inbox or spam folders, contact the library as soon as possible.

How can I request or recall an item someone else has checked out?

If you need a library item that is checked out to another borrower, we suggest the following:

If Interlibrary Loan is not an option:

  • Request via recall: recalled items are due 14 days after the recall is placed. The borrower will receive a notice informing them of the change in due date.
  • To recall an item, use the “Request” feature in the online catalog.
  • You will receive a notice informing you when the item has been returned.

Returning recalled items

    • If an item is recalled from you, you must return it by the date in the notice. Even though the original due date may have been later, the loan period is shortened when another borrower needs the item.
    • The fine for late return of a recalled item is $1 per day. There is no grace period for overdue recalled items.
    • Borrowers with overdue recalled items are blocked; they cannot check out or renew other items until the recall has been returned. Items that are already overdue when they are recalled result in an immediate block on the account.
    • You are responsible for recalled items and late return fines at all times during the calendar year and regardless of where you are when notice is sent. Our library serves borrowers year round, and items may be recalled at any time. If you are abroad or indisposed when a requested item is due, please contact us to discuss return options.

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How can I renew materials?

Items may be renewed in My Account; see the Loan Period chart for number of renewals allowed.

Note: alumni and guest borrowers should renew loans in person, or by calling the library at 540-362-7465.

The following items may not be renewed:

  • Items that have reached their renewal limit
  • Items that have been recalled
  • Items borrowed from Roanoke College may only be renewed once.
  • Interlibrary loan renewal requests must be made via ILLIAD. Click here for more information.

    Where can I return materials?

    Materials can be returned to the library or the outside book return. If you are away from campus, return items by mail to:

    Wyndham Robertson Library

    Hollins University
    7950 E. Campus Drive
    Roanoke, VA 24020.[Back to Top]

    What are library fees, and how do I pay them?

    Overdue fines for reserves and recalls

    The Wyndham Robertson Library does not charge overdue fines.

    Replacement charges for lost or damaged materials

    When a non-reserve item has been overdue for 29 days it is assumed lost and a fee is added to a user’s library account. The default replacement charge is $55.00 per item, though some items have a larger replacement fee.

    Reserve items are considered high-demand and they age to lost more quickly. When a reserve item has been overdue for the same amount of time it was available for checkout, it is assumed lost and a fee is added to your library account.

    All lost item fees are removed when the item is returned.

    Please contact us as soon as you receive a bill for lost or damaged materials. We want to work with you to resolve the situation. For example, you may be able to purchase a replacement item directly instead of paying the default charge (exact ISBN # matches only). But to do this, you must first contact us to approve the purchase.

    Interlibrary Loan (ILL): Replacement charges for ILL items are determined by the lending library. For more information call 540-362-6239 or email ILL Services at ill@hollins.edu.

    What to do if your account is blocked

    Borrowing privileges, including Interlibrary Loan will be temporarily suspended when lost item charges or reserve and recall fines reach $50. To restore privileges, please return any overdue items and pay your balance as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact us.

    Paying library fees

    Library fees may be paid at the circulation desk, by returning the items and paying any balance. However, account balances transferred to the Business Office must be settled there.

    The library can accept checks made out to Hollins University, and exact change. If you need to mail a check, use this address:

    Wyndham Robertson Library
    Hollins University
    7950 E. Campus Drive
    Roanoke, VA 24020
    Attn. Circulation Department

    To pay by credit card, contact the Circulation Coordinator for an invoice you can pay at the Business Office.

    Refunds may not be offered for lost items returned after a balance has been transferred to the Business Office. Prompt response to courtesy notices and bills from the Library will avoid lost book charges and blocked library accounts.[Back to Top]

    Why did the library go fine-free? How do you get items back?

    The library’s mission is to provide access, not charge fees. Research shows that overdue fines have a negative effect on the community by becoming a barrier to access. Furthermore, studies have also shown that overdue fines are not actually an effective method for getting people to return materials. If people need books beyond the due date, many will keep them regardless of the fine. Simply put: library fines stop people from using the library – and they don’t work.

    There is a better way: libraries where fines have successfully been eliminated (for example, the College of William & Mary) have done this by extending due dates, allowing people to use materials longer. If materials aren’t returned 29 days after the due date, we charge a replacement fee. The replacement fee is removed if the item is returned.

    How can I get borrower privileges, and what are the borrower responsibilities?

    Who may borrow library materials?

    Library Member Library Card
    Current Hollins University and Roanoke College students, faculty, and staff Current Hollins or Roanoke ID
    Hollins Alumnae/i Register at the library
    Students, faculty and staff from schools participating in the VIVA Cooperative Borrowing Program Register at the library
    Spouse/partner and dependent children of Hollins faculty and staff Register at the library
    Other Guest Borrowers (click here for more information) Register at the library

    Borrowers are responsible for:

    • All items checked out on your library account. Borrower privileges are not transferable and are subject to withdrawal if abused.
    • Reading email messages and library notices. Library notices are sent to your official hollins.edu email address. Whenever you travel or are away from campus, arrange to have your email notices read or forwarded. If you are not receiving our courtesy email notices, please check your spam folder and adjust your email settings accordingly. If you do not find our emails in your inbox or spam folders, contact the library as soon as possible. Fines for reserves, recalls or replacing lost items will not be waived if you fail to read and respond to library notices.
    • Returning materials by the due date. If you are away from campus, abroad or otherwise unavailable when items are due, you must return them by mail or contact the library.
    • Care for Library Materials. Return all items unmarked and in good condition. You will be held responsible for items returned damaged.


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    What if an item is not on the shelf?

    Please report the missing item to our staff: we will search and notify you if the item is found. Ask our librarians to help you find additional material, or request the item via Interlibrary Loan.

    Virginia Cooperative Borrowing Program (VIVA)

    Contact the library

    Wyndham Robertson Library
    Jessi Hood
    Circulation Coordinator
    (540) 362-6090

    Last updated: February 3, 2025 at 15:15 pm​